Event Development & Management
Craft Consultancy understands the ins-and-outs of corporate events, conferences, and large church gatherings. From the birth of an event idea, to raising funds, to ticketing, to creating marketing plans, to covering detailed logistics, we have you covered. We fully understand all that transpires behind-the-scenes. Our goal is to eliminate stress on your end by putting the best information front and center.
All event development & management needs are custom built based on your unique needs, event size, and scope of management. The first step is to talk to us. We will listen to your idea, walk you through a time-tested questionnaire, and provide a custom quote to best fit your needs.
Add-on Package for Conferences
After a conference, it can be challenging to implement all that was learned. To help conference goers from falling back on bad habits, Craft Consultancy offers add-on packages for events to provide their audiences and ongoing experience, even after the event has ended. We can offer aftercare to your conference goers by providing ongoing newsletters, resources, creating local meet ups, etc. These packages keep the conversation going and help your audience retain any information learned. Ask us more!